Healthcare providers

Welcome to NDC3

Healthcare providers are the backbone of North Dakota’s care delivery systems, providing a wide array of coordinated care to patients at all stages of life, treatment of chronic and acute conditions, referrals to adjunct services, and more.

NDC3 offers supportive, educational programs for your patients with chronic pain and disease and those who are at risk for falls, supporting and extending the care you provide. Our evidence-based programs can also help you achieve care management goals related to quality outcomes for these patients.

Make a referral

> To learn more, contact us.

Integration Advisors

NDC3 is actively seeking clinical subject matter experts and health-management advocates to help advise how to best incorporate NDC3 referrals into your daily practice. If you would like more information about NDC3, have feedback regarding NDC3 programming or delivery, or would like to become involved in an advisory capacity for your clinic or health system, please contact us.

Evidenced-Based Programs: Clinical Evidence Summaries and Patient Discussion Aids